It's with a heavy heart that I write this post. I received horrible news on Saturday that one of my dearest friends passed away unexpectedly Friday night. I'm not sure I even know how to begin to process this incredible loss.
I mentioned before a little about how I met Kelly Jo as a 6 year old in Branson, MO and later traveled to visit her in
LA in 2005. I also talked about how she was my
original penpal. We exchanged countless letters, postcards, [Lisa Frank] stickers, pictures, laughs, inside jokes, "AOL messenger" chats, and later phone calls, Facebook messages, and texts throughout the years. It absolutely blows my mind that I will not get to make new memories with her. But man, did we make some darn good ones!
I spent the majority of Sunday scouring my apartment for pictures and letters from KJo; I couldn't satisfy my need to feel close to her. I shed many tears, smiled many smiles, and laughed many laughs as I went through this ginormous and amazing pile of letters.
From the very first postcard in 1992:
To her last handwritten message after we both graduated from high school in 2004:
Going through those letters Sunday, I saw our friendship evolve into something powerful and unshakable. From "What is your cat's name and what is your favorite color?", "What do you want for Christmas?", "I got a new beanie baby for my birthday" to "Sorry I haven't written lately, things have been hectic. My mom found out she has breast cancer for the 2nd time." I was also reminded of her beautiful, hilarious soul. In basically all of her school pictures, she had food stuck in her teeth. On the back of one pictures, she wrote "SHUT UP! I KNOW YOU'RE LAUGHING RIGHT NOW!" She would also make up crazy acronyms and write them all over the envelopes ("NAFAI"= Need Advice Fast About Ian!) She talked extensively about her love for dance, her family & friends, and her dream to move to LA, attend UCLA, and pursue her dream to act and model. And I'm so glad I got to see her follow her heart fearlessly.
If we were being honest, Kelly Jo and I didn't exactly know how long we've known each other. In later letters, she asked for my version of how we met because she only knew what her mom had told her. I couldn't really give her any details without asking my parents. It was just one of those things. We've known each other for as long as we could remember. And she was my best friend forever.
I'm so thankful for our parents allowing us to see each other as often as they did. The memories and photos I have with Kelly Jo are absolutely priceless and dear to my heart.
After first meeting in Branson, we weren't able to see each other again until 7th grade when her parents drove through my town on a vacation.
Shortly afterwards, my family traveled to Milwaukee so that I could go to an N'Sync concert with Kelly Jo. We began taking trips to see each other every summer; I'd spend a week with her in Green Bay and she'd spend a week with me in Missouri. Those weeks always went by way too fast.
(This was a themed high school dance she went with me to, we didn't really dress like this...) |
During one of her visits, my family took us to Branson and we visited the pool where we met.
I'm so thankful for these memories. And I was so glad we could always pick up right were we left off the next time we talked or saw each other.
As her family and friends grieve and prepare to lay Kelly Jo to rest next week, I ask for prayers for these amazing people. I am honored to have known Kelly Jo for so long and to have met her wonderful family and friends in Green Bay. We are all better people for having known this beautiful, sweet woman. She brought such a light and joy to our lives and Heaven gained an Angel when they welcomed her this weekend. I hope she teaches them all how to speak with a northern accent like she did me and I pray that they have Cheeseheads and toothpicks up there.
Kelly Jo, I'm quoting you when I say "UR2Sweet2B4Got10." I love you Jo sister. I can't wait to see you again.