I'm Sarah...a midwestern, single (*ahem*), fun-loving girl who is in denial about being in her late-twenties and still living in a small - albeit adorable - Missouri town. I love all things pugs, travel, books, crafts, nesting dolls (betcha couldn't have guessed that!), photography, and antiques. I also have a sweet boyfriend who mostly puts up with these things when his back is turned playing his X-box.
By day I'm a caseworker, working with a caseload of about 15 adults with mental illness who unknowingly teach me more than I could ever teach them about life. I'm very thankful for them and their lesssons...but they also have a tendency to stress me out. By night I'm dodging burnout and trying to catch up on paperwork and dishes. It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and just, well, survive. And I resent that. Life is too short to be content with that lifestyle and I really try to be adventurous as much as my budget allows.
I have big dreams and even more interests and hobbies that I never seem to follow-through with or finish before starting something else. (I blame that on my zodiac sign-Sagittarius) My sole purpose for this blog is to hold myself accountable in "living to the fullest" by doing fun things I can blog about. I'm not a writer by any means; in fact, I don't even know how interesting I am. At any rate, I
hope you stick around and try this thing out with me!
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