Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bucket List: Help someone else with a bucket list item

So I'm big on bucket  lists. I always want to have something to look forward to in life and I believe it's important to set goals for yourself, big or small.  I will be featuring some of my bucket list goals and "achievements" on here in the future. This one in particular was pretty fun: I had a bucket list item to help someone else cross off one of their bucket list items.

When Scott and I had our first date in July 2012, we sat and talked for 4 hours straight. One thing that really intrigued me about him was that he had a bucket list. We started talking about it and so many of the things I want to do and places I want to go, he had on his list too. I was so impressed, I went home and wrote in my journal about it. ;) One of Scott's bucket list goals was to go to a drive-in movie theater. Well there happens to be one about 25 minutes from our hometown. (*Fun fact: I fell off a tailgate at that same drive-in when I was 3 years old and had to get stitches in my head.*) Easy right? "Let's go to the drive-in!" we said. Well, almost 11 months of dating later and we still hadn't gone - until Saturday night.

Scott was too cute, bringing about 7 blankets, pillows, snacks, and his dad's truck to pick me up. At our local drive-in you pay $8 per adult which gets you into a double-feature. The movie Epic started at dusk so about 8:30 pm. Which meant that when the second movie, Star Trek, started at about 10:45, we were super tired. We only stayed  for about 20 minutes of Star Wars since we had already seen it. But we had a blast! By the way, I super liked that Epic movie. But probably mostly because there was a 3 legged pug in it. Be still my heart!

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