Saturday, May 18, 2013

First post!

So...I guess I have a blog now?

Thanks to my good [read: persistent] friend Jessica, I am now technically a blogger. And it should be interesting because I know nothing about Photoshop, writing, style, etc. so shame on her! :) But if she keeps helping me along (like creating my awesome header!), this thing might work. I love reading her blog and seeing what she's up to since I no longer live a few minutes away from her. And, like I said in my About Me section, I think this might prove to be a good lesson in accountability to keep my life interesting. If nothing else, my blog can be my  journal of interests, successes, projects, trips, and any other thing holding my attention for a minute. In the past I have failed at journaling, scrap booking, and many other crafty things - all of which are now sitting scattered in my spare room. But who's to say this won't be a roaring success? I've already got a few post ideas up my sleeve but I'd appreciate any input or suggestions y'all might have to help me along!

You can also keep up with my awesome friend Jessica on her blog, More or Less Jess.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so stoked! Glad to know that all of my harassment finally paid off! ;)
