Another Pinterest inspired project! I was going through some stuff in boxes a couple months ago (in a spring cleaning effort that lasted maybe an hour). I found a ton of ticket stubs from sports events, concerts, movies, and plays that I just can't seem to part with. I have a couple favorites including 3 'N Sync concert tickets, a Backstreet Boys concert ticket, and a couple signed stubs from various artists including my favorite band NeedToBreathe. But what do you do with all those stubs? Keep them in a box in the closet?
I was browsing Pintereset awhile back and found this awesome idea: a
Ticket Shadow Box. I suddenly knew that was the solution to my problem. So I immediately found a shadow box ($3 at a Goodwill!) and asked Scott to cut a slit on top so I could just slide tickets in without always taking the back off. Pretty quick and easy project and now I can show off all my ticket stubs in my living room!
Don't mind the cords! |
I added some scrapbook stickers to the back: Admit One. Sadly, my shadow box is filling fast and I may soon need to invest in a larger one. |
I keep saying I need to do something with all mine. They're currently in the trunk in the living room. I used to write on the back who I went with, too, but I've gotten out of the habit. Of course, if it's a Needtobreathe one, I'm pretty sure I can figure it out. :)