Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tuesday Tunes: Better Weather

It's Tuesday which means...more tunes! There have been a ton of storms and horrible weather lately. Just today I was driving through town and one of the [smaller] rivers, which is usually nothing more than a babbling brook, was super flooded.

Yeah, that's a soccer goal out there..

All of this weird weather reminds me of one of my favorite songs right now. It's called "Better Weather" by Good Old War.  I started listening to Good Old War after they opened for NeedtoBreathe at their concert in Springfield, MO last October. They were super fun guys to see perform and we got to meet them afterwards. Look at the sassy man in the middle!

I highly recommend you check out their music!

1 comment:

  1. Good pick lady! Love those guys (and that picture)!
