Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How Great Thou Art

Today was just one of those days that I don't know how other to describe but heavy. I can't stop watching news coverage on the devastation in Moore, Oklahoma and just can't stop thinking about how life can change in an instant. As if that wasn't enough to cast a somber mood over this day, I had a client, who rarely calls me even for emergencies, contact me saying that he almost tried overdosing on all of his medications this morning so he could "go to sleep and never wake up." But he decided to call me first. I spent the majority of the day with him, letting him know that I cared and helping him go to the hospital.

We all know that life is precious and that we should cherish our short time here and embrace those we love. But it really hit me hard today. I try to remind myself to go to God in prayer in these moments for strength, courage, and clarity. But sometimes that can be hard for me.

One of the most vivid memories I have of my grandmother is sitting next to her on her bed listening to her music box that played her favorite song. When she passed away when I was 16, that was the only possession of hers that I wanted. I continue to have a very special connection to that song and her music box still sits next to my bed. I listen to it when I just don't know what else to do and it always gives me hope. I hope this song will lighten your load a little too.

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