Monday, August 5, 2013

Thrifting Find: Metal Box

Over the past couple of years, I've been getting into thrifting little by little. I go to thrift stores often with clients and usually stick to looking for my classics for cheap.  But lately I've been poking around a bit more. Now I tend to look for teacups/teapots, nesting dolls, anything with pugs, globes, maps, and the list goes on and on.

Remember my one line a day journal?  Well I love that project, but the note cards have just sat on my kitchen table for months. Literally. They needed a more permanent home. So this weekend I found the perfect metal box for $.99 while out thrifting.

The color is sort of hideous, but just okay enough for me to love it. Even the old piece of tape gives it character. Eventually I might try to do something with it. But for now, I'm just glad those things are off my table.


  1. Cute! Spray paint it or use washi tape to decorate it!

  2. Okay, 1) I love that color anyway, and 2) there are so many DIY ideas in my head right now that I might just have to head over to Relics and try to find a few of these myself....
