Wednesday, July 3, 2013

1 Year 1st Date Anniversary

So today is (what I consider to be) Scott and I's one year anniversary of dating.  (We have differing opinions on this...he thinks that our anniversary is July 11, 2013 when we had our first kiss after he won a round of putt-putt golf)  But after meeting with him "for drinks" on 7/3/2012 at this bar... 
The Landing, downtown Washington

...and talking to him for 4 hours straight, I knew I liked him and didn't want to date anyone else. So July 3rd is officially our first-date-anniversary.

Before I go any further in disclosing some of the details of Scott and I's story, let me just start with saying that I'm not a mushy person. I listen to people's personal problems and issues all day long at work and I really value my privacy in my personal life and relationships. Trust me when I say that I'm way better at talking to other people about their feelings than I am in expressing myself and my feelings for someone. I don't really gush about how in love with Scott I am, nor do I feel like it needs to be every one's business to know our business. I just know what I know and I try to communicate that with him. And we do pretty well together. So that being said, I'm excited to share some of our story but don't expect it to get too detailed or graphic. :)

Our Story
Scott and I have technically known each other since we were both 16. The first summer that I could drive, I started working in the gift shop at the infamous Meramec Caverns in nearby Stanton, MO. Scott worked in the restaurant kitchen since about age 13 (is that even legal??) where his older sisters also worked. We didn't go to the same high school -- he went to a Catholic high school a few towns away (boo! hiss!). It wasn't until we started dating that Scott and I realized we grew up less than 5 miles from each other in the same small town. Anyway, I was a pretty sociable (and, might I add, boy crazy) high school girl and I always noticed Scott at lunch time where he'd sit with the other restaurant folk. But we never talked. In fact, I'm pretty sure that both summers I worked there, I was convinced that he didn't even know my name. Scott was quiet and shy. And I thought he must be pretty cool because he went to a better high school. Plus, his sisters intimidated me. So that was that. We didn't talk. Life went on.

Fast forward to my sophomore year in college. Suddenly, everything changed. Why? FACEBOOK. Remember that? Was I the only person to add everyone on Facebook that I just barely knew or even just recognized their name? Because I added everyone. And that included Scott who was attending college at SEMO. Now remember, he and I have never had a conversation. So, as to not creep him out, I sent a message along with the friend request. Something along the lines of, "Hey remember me from wayyyyyyy back??  [NOTE: it was only about 3 years] We worked together at Meramec Caverns!" This started a brief conversation about college. I, apparently, told him about my hard semester due to having 3 English classes. He never responded to that. So that was it. No other interaction. Life went on.

Fast forward about 6 more years through undergrad, grad school, and beyond. I moved to Washington, started working with clients in the community, and started getting stressed about adult life. One June day in 2012, I was at Jimmy Johns squeezing in time to get a sandwich I could eat in the car on my way to my next appointment. I was very distracted and trying to concentrate on not being late. I'm deciding what to order and I hear, "Hi Sarah!"

Let's just stop for a second. Do you know how common the name Sara(h) is? I'm constantly out in public and hearing people say that name. So I don't usually even turn around anymore. Plus, I know next to no one in  Washington. So why would anyone be saying hi to me at Jimmy Johns?

Okay, resume. "Hi Sarah!" I barely blink and proceed to order my sandwich. Shortly afterwards, I realized the guy was talking to me. I'll spare you the details, but it was an awkward conversation because I couldn't place him even though he looked so familiar.

About as I was walking out the door, I realized. Oh, Scott. From Meramec Caverns? I felt awful because I knew I probably came off rude. So what's the logical next step? I Facebook messaged him that I was sorry I didn't recognize him. This sparked another small Facebook message conversation to which I eventually asked him if he wanted to hang out sometime because I didn't know many people in Washington. He agreed. We exchanged numbers. About a week later we set a time/day to meet at a local bar "for drinks." July 3rd, 2012.

To be honest, I didn't know what to expect.  I didn't know if he was dating anyone (relationship status was mysteriously absent from his FB profile...) and I was hoping just to make a friend. I just knew he was quiet in high school...and pretty stinking cute.

I met with him at The Landing....and the hours flew by. He totally shocked me with how much he talked and how much we had in common. We even compared bucket lists and talked about our love for travel. Amazing. I was blown away. The night ended with a hug and plans to see a movie the next day. (All of the local 4th of July fireworks were canceled last year due to extreme heat and drought...this year it's going to be about 85 degrees!) So naturally I immediately called my mother  and ran home to journal about it. I remember that I couldn't stop smiling.

I can't believe a year has gone by. Scott helps me to be such a better person. I'm naturally an anxious person when it comes to things like work, etc. but Scott keeps me smiling and keeps things light. He's the perfect balance for me. And he's so patient. Scott is one of the hardest working people that I know and he'd do anything for anyone, anytime of the day.  Things are just easy with him. I don't have to worry about being anyone but myself with him. And he always goes with the flow and supports everything that I do. It doesn't hurt that I still get butterflies when I see that he's texted me or I know that I'll see him that day. He's just the best. And I'm super thankful for him. I just love that boy.

Happy one year, Price!

One of our first pics together--blurry and he has red-eye like no tomorrow, but it's still one of my favorites. It's still his caller ID  photo on my phone.



  1. I love the story about how you "met" at Jimmy Johns - it cracks me up. I still remember you calling to tell me about it! Excited for you and Scott - he's a great guy!

  2. I love love love this! So happy for you guys. Happy anniversary!
